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Pronail Plus™ Fungal Nail Solution and Pronail Plus™ Fungal Nail Pen is easy to apply, and treats fungal nail problems quickly and effectively.


Pronail Plus™ Fungal Nail Solution 10mL

Pronail Plus™ Fungal Nail Pen 4mL

Pronail Plus™ Available at

Treats and prevents

Visible improvement is seen in weeks

Easy to apply


Fungal nail infections are common infections of the fingernails or toenails that can cause the nail to become discolored, thick, and more likely to crack and break. Infections are more common in toenails than fingernails. 1 The technical name

Nails with a fungal infection are often:

• Discolored (yellow, brown, or white)

• Thick

• Fragile or cracked

A fungal nail infection usually isn’t painful unless it becomes severe.

Some people who have fungal toenail infections also have a fungal skin infection on the foot, especially between the toes (commonly called “athlete’s foot”).

Source: Center for Disease Control – CDC


To help prevent the spread of germs and nail infections:

  • Keep nails short and trim them often.
  • Scrub the underside of nails with soap and water (or a nail brush) every time you wash your hands.
  • Clean any nail grooming tools before use.
  • In commercial settings such as nail salons, sterilize nail grooming tools before use.
  • Avoid biting or chewing nails.
  • Avoid cutting cuticles, as they act as barriers to prevent infection.
  • Never rip or bite a hangnail. Instead, clip it with a clean, sanitized nail trimmer.

Source: Center for Disease Control – CDC


Simply apply directly to nails for quick results and treat fungal nail at the source.

Do not use Pronail Plus™ Solution or Pen if you are hypersensitive to one of the ingredients; For external use only; Keep out of the reach of children; Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes; In the event of oversensitivity, stop using Pronail Plus™ solution or pen; Consult your doctor if there is no improvement within two weeks; Do not use the Pronail Plus™ Solution or pen after the expiry date as printed on the Solution or Pen and outer box